Sermons on Advent
Fourth Sunday in Advent-2022
Sermon Text: John 1:19–30 Dear fellow redeemed: Last week we picked up on this same John, maybe a year later, when he was in prison. Matthew tells us that he sent two disciples to see that Jesus was the One for whom they were waiting. John was soon to be executed by Herod the Tetrarch for telling Herod that he was committing adultery, so it was important that His disciples turn and follow the real hope of the world, our…
Third Sunday of Advent-2022
Sermon Text: Matthew 11:2–10 Dear fellow redeemed, confronting the reality of sin and death and the reality of our salvation: Do you know what a reality check is? It’s when we get in touch with things as they are. It’s like when the fire alarm goes off, only this time there is smoke, and you have to find a way out. Reality check. It’s like when the doctor calls you back after the labs and says you need to go…
Mid-Week Advent 2- 2022
Sermon Text: Judges: Judges 13:2–7; Luke 1:26–38 “The Child Who Is a Virgin’s Great Son” Dear fellow redeemed, gathered in anticipation of the festival of the Nativity of our Lord: We see our Lord’s intervention in history in many ways. Think of Sampson, the hero from our reading out of the book of Judges. He was born of a barren woman, as were others from Isaac to John the Baptizer. Through providential use of natural means, those who hadn’t been…
Advent 2-2022
Sermon Text: Luke 21:25 Dear fellow redeemed: Advent is about faith, faith in God’s promises and prophesies about what is coming. That’s why the people of Jerusalem welcomed Jesus, “Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.” Here Christ calls us to faith so that we do not miss out on the joy that is in store for us, for Christ is coming. He is coming soon. You will be surprised how soon. So, the message…
Mid-Week Advent 1- 2022
Sermon Text Matthew 21:1–9 Dear fellow redeemed: Have you ever acted on faith? Of course you have. If after church you go out to your car you will do so in faith that it will start. If you fly in an airplane, you have faith that it will go up and down again safely. If you take medicine, it is with the faith that it will do you some good. Of course we are talking about normal everyday faith here.…
Advent 1-2022
Sermon Text: Matthew 21:1–9 ADVENT IS ABOUT FAITH Dear fellow redeemed: Have you ever acted on faith? Of course you have. If after church you go out to your car you will do so in faith that it will start. If you fly in an airplane, you have faith that it will go up and down again safely. If you take medicine, it is with the faith that it will do you some good. Of course we are talking about…