Sermons on Acts
Michaelmas (Trinity 18) – 2024
Michaelmas 2024 ↓ Our Savior Lutheran Church, Grants Pass, OR ↓ Faith Lutheran Church, Medford OR 1-SERMON THE CREATION OF ANGELS, AND VARIOUS TITLES OR RANKS INTRODUCTION September 29 is St. Michael and All Angels’ Day. This Sunday we devote to learning what the Bible says about the holy angels. The first question is: How did the angels come into being? God created them. They’re part of His creation. God created all things “visible and invisible.” The angels are in…
22nd Sunday
after Trinity-2022 (no video)
HEED CHRIST AS SAVIOR – OR AS JUDGE I. The Darkness of the Age II. Our Lord’s Provisions for the Light III. Light Comes in Repentance to the Risen One Acts 17:22-31 22Then Paul stood up in front of the council of the Areopagus and said, “Men of Athens, I see that you are very religious in every way. 23For as I was walking around and carefully observing your objects of worship, I even found an altar on which had…