Sermons on Easter
Easter Festival – 2023
THE TENTH WITNESS — Mary Magdalene EXORDIUM The Lord Is Risen! He Is Risen Indeed! Alleluia! Dear fellow redeemed: As we left it three days ago, John had seen Jesus die, Jesus was dead. Through sightless eyes, John had seen only what mere human eyes could see, and honestly, it wasn’t much. By his eyes, John saw only a lifeless body. Only the eyes of faith could reveal that this was the Lamb of God, who had now taken away…
Sixth Sunday of Easter-2022
THE PRIEST WHO PRAYS FOR YOU Preaching the Catechism – The Ascended Lord Prays for Us
Fifth Sunday of Easter-2022
ABOUT THE RESURRECTION Preaching the Catechism (2nd article of the Creed) – The Resurrection Proves the Living and the Dead will Rise again. 1 Thessalonians 4: 13-18
Fourth Sunday of Easter-2022
THE GIFT OF INNOCENCE Preaching the Catechism (2nd article of the Creed) – The Resurrection Proves the Forgiveness of the Sins of the world. Romans 4:19
Third Sunday of Easter-2022
THE TRUE STORY-Preaching the Catechism (2nd article of the Creed) – Proven by the Resurrection To Be the Son of God.
Second Sunday of Easter-2022
THE SIGN OF LIFE Preaching the Catechism – The Third Day He Rose from the Dead Many people have their own ideas about religion, and what they expect Christianity is supposed to be. The Pharisees wanted their ideas about the Messiah to be validated by some sign. But the one thing that shows Who Jesus is and what He has done is His resurrection from the dead. Thereby He shows Himself the conqueror over sin and death- and our Savior.…
High Festival of the Resurrection-2022
CHRIST VICTORIOUS OVER Sin, Death, and HELL Preaching the Catechism – He Descended into Hell Sermon Text: 1 Peter 3