Faith Lutheran Church in Medford
✆ 541-816-4060
1773 S Columbus Ave, Medford, OR 97501
Sundays at Faith
11:30 AM Divine Service
-Fellowship in-between-
Bible Study 1:15 PM
About Faith
Faith is a gathering of Christians around God’s word. We are people from all backgrounds and welcome everyone who wants to know what the Bible teaches, without any obligation. The church is located on S. Columbus Ave. across from South Medford High School.
Faith Lutheran Church is a Biblical church. We believe the Bible is God’s revelation to mankind, and that rather than criticize it we are to read, study, and understand it. Because of this, we believe and teach what Christ and His apostles taught.

We believe and teach that all people are sinners and, in our consciences, know that we are under the judgment of God. But in His mercy, God the Son, Jesus Christ, has suffered that judgment for us and given us His innocence through faith. Therefore, there is forgiveness for all.
All people –you too– are therefore precious in the sight of God. So, we welcome all who come to hear His Word.
Our worship is liturgical, following an orderly pattern that centers on God’s word, and makes use of the devotional literature of believers of all ages, from ancient to modern. It is Trinitarian and Christ-centered.
The Central Teaching of Christianity
“For God so loved the world that he gave his only-begotten Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish, but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.” (John 3:16–17, EHV)