



Feast Day
Philip and James, Apostles

James the Less is a figure of early Christianity. He is also called “the Minor”, “the Little”, “the Lesser”, or “the Younger”, according to translation, “the Less” is used to distinguish him from the Apostle James the Great (also called “James the Elder”). James the Great was the brother of John the Apostle. According to the New Testament, Philip was one of the Twelve Apostles of Jesus. He preached in Greece, Syria, and Asia Minor.

Feast Day
Matthias, Apostle

God chose Matthias through the apostles to replace Judas Iscariot following the latter’s betrayal of Jesus and his subsequent death.

Esther, matriarch

Esther has an impressive family tree. Her great-grandfather is Jesse from the tribe of Judah. Jesse had seven sons, and his first-born son was Eliah. Eliah’s daughter was Abihail, and Abihail’s daughter was Esther. Jesse’s last-born son was the legendary King David…that same boy who conquered Goliath. David is the ancestor of our Savior Jesus Christ. Esther is a direct descendant of Jesse, and King David is her great-uncle.

Feast Day
Visitation of
Mary to Elizabeth

The visitation is the visit of Mary, who was pregnant with Jesus, to Elizabeth, who was pregnant with John the Baptist, in the Gospel of Luke, Luke 1:39–56.